New DHS Venezuelan Immigration To Florida Program Explained By Our Immigration Attorney

There is a new path to lawful Venezuelan immigration to Florida under a recent agreement between the U.S. and Mexican governments. Our immigration attorneys explain how it works.

Immigration at the southern border of the United States has been surging for over a year. Many individuals looking to move to the U.S. are from the economically-ravaged country of Venezuela, with an increase of nearly four times the number as last year.

To help those who are fleeing economic hardships and the humanitarian crisis in their home country, and to ease the increase of immigrants at the border, the Biden Administration reached an agreement with the Mexican government.

The Department of Homeland Security will oversee this new parole program that allows qualifying Venezuelans to enter the U.S. legally and have the ability to apply for work authorization.

Lawful vs. Unlawful Entry

If you have relatives looking for lawful Venezuelan immigration to Florida or any other port of entry, they must follow these guidelines:

  • Have someone in the United States who can offer financial and other support
  • Pass rigorous national security and public safety screenings
  • Complete all vaccinations and any other public health requirements

Under this program, anyone from Venezuela who does not meet the requirements below will be returned to Mexico.

  • Have been ordered removed from the U.S. in the last five years
  • Crossed the border between ports of entry without authorization after this announcement
  • Irregular entry into Mexico or Panama after this announcement
  • Have permanent resident status or dual citizenship from a country other than Venezuela
  • Hold refugee status in any country
  • Have not completed vaccination and public health requirements

DHS Involvement

The Department of Homeland Security will oversee this program to ensure that requirements of legal entry are followed. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had this to say about the program:

“These actions make clear that there is a lawful and orderly way for Venezuelans to enter the United States, and lawful entry is the only way. Those who attempt to cross the southern border of the United States illegally will be returned to Mexico and will be ineligible for this process in the future. Those who follow the lawful process will have the opportunity to travel safely to the United States and become eligible to work here.”

Venezuelan immigration to Florida

Program Goals And Challenges

The ultimate goal of this program is to allow up to 24,000 Venezuelans to enter the U.S. in a more safe and orderly manner through designated ports of entry. It should take some strain off of the southern border where large groups of immigrants are crossing daily.

One issue facing Venezuelan immigration to Florida is having a sponsor already living in the United States. Immigration from Venezuela is relatively new, therefore there are not as many established Venezuelan areas in the U.S. to support those immigrating now.

However, if you live in Doral, Weston, or another area with a larger Venezuelan population, you may have questions about this program. Our immigration attorneys at Casais & Prias can answer your questions and help your family members navigate this new parole program.

Another challenge is Mexico’s ability to handle the large influx of immigrants who are turned away from the U.S. and sent to Mexico. In the first week of this program, the U.S. deported almost 1,800 Venezuelans to Mexico.

Once in Mexico, the Venezuelan deportees will have limited employment opportunities and can risk being deported farther south where they may be vulnerable to extortion, human trafficking, and other risks, according to Manolo Préstamo, an immigration expert at the Mexican Council on International Affairs.

Casais & Prias Immigration Attorneys Can Help

If you have family looking for information on Venezuelan immigration to Florida, contact our team of immigration attorneys right away. We can help answer your questions so that you can assist your family in gaining lawful entry into the United States.