What to Expect at a Same Sex Marriage Immigration Interview

When a U.S. Citizen files an immigration petition on behalf of their non-citizen same-sex spouse, the couple will need to attend an interview before a USCIS officer.

It is important that you adequately prepare and get yourself organized for the interview. At the interview, the officer will review the applications filed as well as all the documentation submitted in support of the applications and the officer will ask questions about the applications and the couple’s relationship.

Interview Part 1

In the initial phase of the interview, the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) officer will carefully review the applications submitted and seek clarification, updates, or changes related to the information provided. This usually involves inquiries regarding the couple’s personal details, such as names, dates of birth, employment and address history, marriage history, criminal background, and other admissibility-related questions.

Additionally, the officer will request original birth certificates, original marriage certificates, and any original supporting documents that were initially submitted with the application.same sex immigration

Interview Part 2

During the second part of the interview, the USCIS officer will ask the couple questions regarding the couple’s relationship. Usually, this starts with the question, “How did you meet?” Follow up questions pertain to when the couple began living together, who else lives in the home with the couple, who proposed to whom and when, if either spouse has met the others spouses family, etc. Sometimes officers may inquire from one spouse if they are aware if the other spouse has any medical conditions, has ever had any major medical procedure, and/or if the other spouse has any markings on their body such as birth marks, scars, or tattoos.

It is very important that you are prepared to be asked these types of questions and are prepared to answer them. There is no right or wrong answer to any of these questions. The only appropriate answers are the truth.

How We Can Help

As part of the services Casais & Prias provides to our clients, prior to the interview we will prepare you for the questions that will be asked, what documents need to be organized and ready to turn over to the officer, and our immigration attorney will attend the USCIS interview with you. You will have your attorney present throughout the entire process. Contact our team of immigration attorneys today to discuss your claim and how can can serve you.

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