Florida does not recognize legal separation. Therefore, you should be aware that until you file for divorce, all of the marital responsibilities and liabilities are in full effect. Unless you have made the proper alternate arrangements, you and your spouse can still make life decisions over one another, and continue to have financial liability and an interest in financial gain over each other’s assets and liabilities. If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys, click here to schedule a free case evaluation.
Absolutely NOT. If there are no concerns about the safety of the child, both parents are entitled to spend time with the child, even if one parent is not paying child support. If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys, click here to schedule a free case evaluation.
A lawyer is not required but strongly suggested. A naturalization application can quickly become complicated if not handled correctly. The problems can cause delays and may even result in a denial. It is not unusual for an individual who has had an application for naturalization denied, subsequently be placed in removal/deportation proceedings. If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys, click here to schedule a free case evaluation.
No. Florida does not recognize common law marriage. As such, a Family judge will not have any authority to make decisions over any financial responsibility with the exception of child support, if the couple has a child. If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys, click here to schedule a free case evaluation.
Basically, this is how you dictate how your assets will be administered and how your loved ones and what is most important to you, will be taken care of when you die. In addition, it also includes planning for the possibility of your incapacity. This is a way for you to keep control over your affairs and give you and your family peace of mind should an emergency happen. If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys, click here to schedule a free case evaluation.
The most basic documents prepared in Estate Planning are:
If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys, click here to schedule a free case evaluation.