Category: LGBTQ Immigratioin

Miami lgbt attorney

How an LGBT Attorney Can Help With Your Immigration Case

Navigating same-sex marriage within immigration law demands expertise from a specialized firm. Discover how our Miami LGBT attorney can support and guide you through your case. LGBTQ+ couples often face an uphill battle when dealing with their immigration cases. There are many laws and regulations to work around that can be quite complicated to anyone […]
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fiance visa in Miami

Applying For A LGBTQA+ Fiance Visa? We Can Help

If you and your partner are engaged, but apart because they are citizens of another country, you may be interested in learning about your options for helping them gain citizenship in the United States. Casais & Prias can help you to acquire a fiance visa in Miami. LGBTQA+ fiance visas are one of the more […]
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Doral LGBT Immigrants

Why Doral LGBT Immigrants Need Experienced Attorneys

In 2015, same-sex marriage was legalized, and LGBT immigrants were granted many of the same rights and protections allowed to non-LGBT immigrants. That being said, Doral LGBT immigrants need experienced attorneys to fight their cases, and here is why. While the legalization of same-sex marriage was a huge step in the right direction for the […]
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same sex immigration

What to Expect at a Same Sex Marriage Immigration Interview

When a U.S. Citizen files an immigration petition on behalf of their non-citizen same-sex spouse, the couple will need to attend an interview before a USCIS officer. It is important that you adequately prepare and get yourself organized for the interview. At the interview, the officer will review the applications filed as well as all […]
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